Festival and Event Fashion
Sara Tiara
Perfect Headgear and Capes
Sara Tiara make beautiful, unique headwear and garments. A blend of timeless design, patchwork Harris Tweed and maverick tailoring signal the Sara Tiara brand.
From the country tradition of Cheltenham to standing out at Glastonbury check out Sara Tiara.
Led Light Up Custumes and Gear
Festyfinds sell LED outfits, EL masks and accessories for festivals and raves.
Don Hairport
Mobile Festival Hair Salon
Don Hairport provide a unique, mobile, purpose built hair and beauty salon. The unit is ideal for festivals and events being trailer mounted as well as carrying it’s own water supply. Inside there are three cutting stations, hair washing facilities and a waiting area which can also be used for manicures.
Pic ‘n’ Mix Festival Kit
Pic ‘n’ Mix Festival Kit sources, prepares, and distributes high quality, affordable, bespoke and pre-packed kits to festival-goers, campers, and those attending live events. Thier ethos is fun, functional and eco-friendly, and they’re on a mission to help people and businesses eliminate all single-use plastic essentials by offering eco-friendly alternatives.
Full Circle
Festival Hygiene Packs
Full Circle provide waterless eco-friendly hygiene packs for festivals and events to help reduce the amount of single use plastic and water consumption. Every pack purchased includes a donation to Charity:Water or the RAW foundation